Hot Chocolate Friday

Students nominated by their Year Teams have met with Mr Norrington at Hot Chocolate Friday (or Cold Juice Friday during the Summer Term!). The Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher meets with students personally, in a joint meeting each Friday, to find out more about how they have succeeded in embracing our school values and going the extra mile.

Allerton Grange has a policy for positive discipline which focuses on rewarding good behaviour. It is embedded into school life through stamps in planners, achievement points and reward assemblies.

Congratulations to the following students:


Gabriel in Year 7 was nominated for being super helpful during the Year 6 Transition Days.

Jude, Hayden and Fin in Year 8 were recognised for coping outstandingly well in an emergency outside of school, keeping their friend calm whilst following instructions from the ambulance telephone operator. Very brave indeed, well done boys!

Ella in Year 9 was nominated for working so hard to continue to do well in school under challenging circumstances.

Isha in Year 10 was nominated by the Year Team for effort and all-round improvement. Well done.