Extra-Curricular Clubs

After School Clubs are popular and there are many to choose from. 

We offer a range of opportunities including drama, music, sport, Spectrum (LGBTQI+), EPQ Club, Software Development Club and various subject drop in sessions.

View the Extra Curricular Clubs timetable.

Sixth Form students also take part in timetabled enrichment sessions, helping them to broaden their horizons and trigger new interests and passions, whilst developing new skills.

Enrichment activities include:

  • University/Careers focused – Aim High, The Progression Module
  • Health & Wellbeing – Sports Hall Games, Gym Sessions, Self Defence, Mindfulness, Zentangles
  • Community – Politics, Current Affairs Exchange, BSL
  • Academic/Super-curricular or developing a new skill – Chemistry Club, Reading Club, Debate Club, iDEA Award, Excel Masterclass, Sixth Form Newsletter

Community Action

We expect all of our students to participate in a minimum of 30 hours of community action during Year 12. This can be action both inside and outside school and could be one hour a week for 30 weeks. There are lots of opportunities and leadership roles within school. Outside school there are many opportunities to volunteer for charities and other organisations.